Check here for information from partners, events, appearances, and press releases.

Ep. 6: The Landscape of Financing for Nonprofits
Episode 6 in Network for Good’s “mini-podcast” where we are sharing key learnings for how to bring durable capital to sustainable outcomes.

Ep. 5: The Giving Platform Collaborative is Backing Black
Episode 5 in Network for Good’s “mini-podcast” where we are sharing key learnings for how to bring durable capital to aligned sustainable outcomes.

Ep. 4: Why we’re passionate about Resilience as a key lever to start testing our impact
Episode 4 in Network for Good’s “mini-podcast” where we are sharing key learnings for how to bring durable capital to aligned sustainable outcomes.

Ep. 3: Opportunity Levers for Disaster Recovery
Episode 3 in Network for Good’s “mini-podcast” where we’re sharing key learnings to bring durable capital to community-aligned, sustainable outcomes.

Ep. 2: Our Vision for Sustainable Disaster Recovery
To anchor our problem statements when Network for Good thinks about the stakeholders in disaster recovery, we’ve identified two core groups: Impacted Individuals & Impacted Communities.

Ep. 1: Why Disaster Recovery Needs Durable Capital
After 20 years of financing disaster recovery, Network for Good will scope our vision to “provide durable capital for community-aligned, sustainable outcomes” first to the climate-driven disaster recovery space.

Media & Press
News about the Network for Good B-Corporation
The social good platform backed by Apax announced plans to acquire our for-profit partner, Network for Good (a New York corporation)

Media & Press
Americans Open Their Wallets in Times of Crisis but Have Short Attention Spans
Online giving spiked to new levels during pandemic, but few causes have staying power.